Understanding heart disease in children

Hey everyone,

I've started this blog because 7 children in one week died of CHD (congenital heart defect).

Most of you probably believe that heart disease only affects older people or people who eat poorly or stressed people. You wouldn't be wrong in just believing that affects those types of people but you would be very naive to believe heart disease was as simple as the media portray it.

You are likely to be aware of adult heart disease such as strokes and heart attacks. Although these are very serious heart problems, it is unfortunately not one of the more complex heart problems. I want to show you all through this blog what you don’t know about heart disease and why it is time you all knew how badly children suffer from it - they need the money for research for cures and more ways in which doctors and surgeons can save their lives.

Those of you who have lost family members from strokes or heart attacks may recall the pain you felt at that time, well for the CHD children, having a stroke is something that could happen during surgery and quite often does happen. Please do not get me wrong, it is still terrible for anyone to suffer with a stroke or heart attack and I am not suggesting they are not worthy to have funds raised for them – they certainly are! I used to volunteer at ‘The Heart Foundation’ shop near to me for these people, but I am using them as an example to portray the severity of children’s heart diseases.

I want you to understand heart disease in children, so you'll want to help...