Written in the words of Michelle Leigh Padilla-Hanna...
Hi my name is Michelle Leigh Padilla-Hanna.
I was born in Tuscan Arizona, after only living there for two months my mom and dad decided to come California were they have, at the time, best doctors to deal with a little baby who had lack of oxygen that went to the brain and that point I turned blue. I almost died a couple times. I had my first heart surgery when I was 2 at St. Vicente hospital, my second one when I was 5 years also at St. Vicente hospital,my third heart surgery when I was 13 at St. Vicente hospital.
I had my mouth and ear surgery at Torrance Memorial hospital.
When I was growing up I was in special program through out elementary, Jr High School, High School. I had my seizure when I was 18 i dont remember much because I was out for 2 weeks. Thank god my mom was there. I just recently graduated from college. The school that I went to is Harbor College it is a community college. I have had jobs but was not able to keep any of them because I cant pass a test to keep my job also I was getting sick with colds. I just had sinus surgery a few months ago. I just recently found out that I have Di George Syndrome. I never knew that I had it neither did my mom or dad. I am the only child. The doctors told me that it is a 50-50 percent chance that my kids could have this syndrome, so my husband and I decided not to have any kids. I will always have more surgeries dont know when though.Thanks so much in helping me and getting the word out. I trying to to get my benefits back SSI but they keep turning me down.
Sincerely yours,
Michelle Leigh Padilla-Hanna